📚 My little library of MS related resources

🤓 I told you I was once a librarian.

🙋‍♀️ Blogs and social 🙋🏽‍♂️

Shift MS

A social network and community connecting people with MS worldwide.

Tripping On Air

Ardra Shephard’s award-winning MS blog inspired me to get started with mine. She also co-hosts a brilliant monthly podcast of the same name.

Wheelchair Kamikaze

Extensive blog archive from Marc Stecker. Beautiful and insightful writing on living with progressive MS.

🚀 Mobility aids 👩🏼‍🦽

The Alinker walking bike

A non-motorized walking-bike without pedals. The company facilitates crowd-funding campaigns if you need support to help you get an Alinker. Available across the globe, international distribution details here.

Neowalk walking sticks

Cool, stylish and innovative walking sticks in a range of colours and designs. UK based but ships all over the world.

byACRE rollators

Beautiful, modern rollators, Scandinavian design. Available globally.

👩🏾‍⚕️ Clinicians 👨‍⚕️

Dr Gretchen Hawley - The MSing Link

Physical Therapist and MS specialist providing an online MS-specific exercise programme based on the concept of Neuroplasticity. Also lots of free content on YouTube and a great podcast.

Prof Gavin Giovannoni - MS Selfie

Neurologist working in the UK National Health Service (NHS). He produces the MS Selfie a Substack newsletter and microsite offering free content supporting patients to self-manage their MS.

Aaron Boster MD - The Boster Center for MS

Neurologist and founder of the Boster Center for MS in the US, Dr Aaron Boster offers short educational videos on YouTube on all aspects of MS.

Dr Mitzi Joi Williams “The Nerdy Neurologist”

A regular Instagram presence, Neurologist Dr Mitzi Joi Williams is also the host of the Brain Chat podcast. Each episode features a special guest and covers all aspects of the brain, with a focus on MS.

⭐️ The above are the main resources I use. I don’t receive any financial support from any companies mentioned, I’m listing them because their products are useful to me.

Let me know by leaving a comment if you have any questions about any of the resources.

Also, please share details of any tools or resources you use that help you manage MS, I’d love to know. ⭐️

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